Our Vision
With changing threat scenarios, the security needs in society and thus the demands on critical infrastructure buildings are changing. In recent years, new terrorist threats have become noticeable, such as the possibility of targeted attacks with commercial aircraft or armor-piercing weapons of the latest generation. Climate-related natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods or storms, are getting more important.
Events such as Chernobyl or Fukushima have led to the nuclear phase-out in Germany. Other states are checking the safety of their nuclear power plants and are taking additional protective measures. All states continue to be confronted with the question of how high-level radioactive waste can be safely stored for long periods of time until final disposal.
With its leading know-how in reinforced concrete construction and the production of special steel, the role of Max Aicher Group is to support authorities and industry to achieve safe critical infrastructure facilities.The expertise of Max Aicher Engineering is in the area of nuclear facilities with particularly high demands on the building structure. Especially with regard to the storage of spent fuel, we want to set new standards. Fail-safe constructions using preferably passive safety systems with multiple protective barriers are our goal.